Devotional Poetry

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Here’s an intro to devotional poetry:

Rumi, Hafez, Hildegard, Tukaram…Bob?

Uh…probably not. Welcome to my devotional poetry page!

There are traditions of devotional or spiritual poetry in every major religion. The divine is surely beyond our ability to put into words, but words are one way we give voice to the wonder present in our lives. My own poems spring out of this wonder. They are playful, curious, iconoclastic and reverent. Inspired by the Psalms do in the Bible, I try to allow many different emotions to be a part of my reverence for the divine. And if a few of the poems feel a bit goofy – well, that’s who I am, and surely who I am is a part of my own experience of the divine.

For more on the meaning of “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti”, please see

The poems contained here are not intended to be final. I may come back and change them from time to time.

You are welcome to share any or all of these poems, with attribution, for non-commercial use. If you are sharing electronically please be so kind as to include a link to the website. Use in worship services, with attribution, is always welcome.


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